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May 2016 - My Health Line May 2016 - My Health Line

Month: May 2016

  • The health benefits of acupuncture

    As more and more people make the decision to live healthier lifestyles, they also start to consider alternative healing methods and treatments to traditional medicine too. A lot of people are concerned about taking prescriptions, preferring to keep an open Keep Reading

    Read More: The health benefits of acupuncture
  • How Alternative Therapies Can Change Your Life

    Alternative therapies, including integrative and complementary approaches, are becoming more and more commonplace now that mainstream doctors are accepting that these treatments really can help patients. In case you still aren’t sure what all of these things mean, this little Keep Reading

    Read More: How Alternative Therapies Can Change Your Life
  • Why Do People Use Paper Bags While Hyperventilating?

    You’ve probably seen people on television shows grab a paper bag to breath into when they become panicked and start to hyperventilate, but just why is it that paper bags are used in that way? Well, this is an actual Keep Reading

    Read More: Why Do People Use Paper Bags While Hyperventilating?
  • The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle

    It seems as if every time we go to the doctor’s to get a checkup, we here the same thing: you should probably get more exercise. Your doctor will probably start listing off some of the well-known benefits to increased Keep Reading

    Read More: The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle
  • Time Will Tell

    While my website and blogs are centred around health and fitness, on this occasion I wanted to take out time to tell you about one of my clients who has been coming to me for some personal training and fitness Keep Reading

    Read More: Time Will Tell


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