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April 2020 - My Health Line April 2020 - My Health Line

Month: April 2020

  • Preparing for Weight Loss: What You Should Do Before You Diet

    You should always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program. With your doctor’s okay, there are a few things you should do before you diet. Figuring these things out will put you ahead in the game because you’ll Keep Reading

    Read More: Preparing for Weight Loss: What You Should Do Before You Diet
  • Worried that you may need an invisible aligner? Five ways to identify that you would benefit from one

    It can be tough when you have a slightly misaligned smile.  As an adult, misaligned teeth will undoubtedly have a more significant impact on your confidence, which can alter every aspect of your life.  As a child, you may have been told Keep Reading

    Read More: Worried that you may need an invisible aligner? Five ways to identify that you would benefit from one
  • All you need to know about Invisalign in Bedford

    Straight to the point  Having straight looking teeth is one of the most valuable social assets that one can possess.  As well as being indicative of a good level of oral hygiene and helping to prevent issues such as Keep Reading

    Read More: All you need to know about Invisalign in Bedford
  • Expect more from your dentist in Stevenage

    Within the modern field of dental work, patients are expecting more from their local dental clinics, and so they should! Aside from standard general dentistry (a few examples of which include fillings, X-rays, and a scale and polish), clinics all Keep Reading

    Read More: Expect more from your dentist in Stevenage
  • Got your invisible braces off? What to expect in those first few months

    It is always one of a dental patient’s favourite days; the braces are off! Even when you have used invisible aligners to get a straighter smile, when you take that last aligner out of your mouth, it can feel like Keep Reading

    Read More: Got your invisible braces off? What to expect in those first few months
  • Curious to learn more about oral implants? A basic guide to their fitting and aftercare

    When you lose a tooth, as many people know, it can feel like an instant dent to your confidence. It is said that when a person meets you for the first time, they make a decision about you in the Keep Reading

    Read More: Curious to learn more about oral implants? A basic guide to their fitting and aftercare


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