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Lifestyle Archives - Page 11 of 11 - My Health Line Lifestyle Archives - Page 11 of 11 - My Health Line

Category: Lifestyle

  • The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle

    It seems as if every time we go to the doctor’s to get a checkup, we here the same thing: you should probably get more exercise. Your doctor will probably start listing off some of the well-known benefits to increased Keep Reading

    Read More: The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle
  • 5 Ways To Absorb Art To Promote Healthier Living

    Though you’ll often see that healthy living is most often given synonymous treatment with nutrition and exercises, there’s an equal amount to be said about the benefit of emotionally and mentally healthy activities and events as well, and that’s where Keep Reading

    Read More: 5 Ways To Absorb Art To Promote Healthier Living
  • Five Wellness Habits That Can Change Your Life

    When you adopt a more balanced life, and integrate various health and wellness techniques into your daily life, you will find that your body heals faster, your mind is more clear, and you just have an overall better quality of Keep Reading

    Read More: Five Wellness Habits That Can Change Your Life
  • Have you stuck to your New Year’s Resolutions?

    We are now in February and truthfully how many of you have stuck to the resolutions you made at New Years? New research from a leading voucher code website suggests that 38% of Brits have already abandoned their New Year’s Keep Reading

    Read More: Have you stuck to your New Year’s Resolutions?
  • Confessions of a midlife fitness addict

    I am not, and never have been, thin. I don’t do marathons or triathlons or even own one of those weird doughnut-shaped runner’s water bottles. However, I am an exercise addict in that if a day passes when I can’t Keep Reading

    Read More: Confessions of a midlife fitness addict


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    Breaking the Silence: How Mental Health and Male Breast Cancer Intersect

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  • Understanding the Benefits of Medical Cannabis
    Understanding the Benefits of Medical Cannabis

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    Myth vs. Reality: What Mesotherapy Can and Can’t Do for Cellulite

    Cellulite is extremely common and usually makes people feel self-conscious about their bodies. If you’re dealing with cellulite, trying to get rid of it can often feel quite challenging. When it comes to battling cellulite, countless treatments promise smooth, flawless Keep Reading
