A million faces
Soho, in the center of London, is one of the most vibrant districts in the city, and one synonymous with fashion and the city’s chic aesthetic. While the style of its residents are varied, one of the prevailing elements that is constant throughout almost all of the fashion elite, are a full set of white, straight and healthy looking teeth. In recent years, there has been a significant spike in the amount of people, of all ages, seeking out the aid of a dentist in Soho to achieve a straightener, better looking smile, and preserve the integrity of their teeth. The reasoning behind this increase in dental awareness is speculated to be a byproduct of the increased usage of social media, and the documentation of our daily lives. This may have caused a number of us to pay more attention to our smiles, and as such, seek out the necessary dental procedures to boost their aesthetic appeal. Another possibility for the rise is due to the smiles of celebrities, film stars and musicians, which we are exposed to through the media. Whatever the rationale, the fact remains that the largest ever percentage of people, from all age demographics, are taking the initiative to boost their smiles and improve their overall oral health.
Moving mountains
One of the most popular methods of dental treatment that is growing in popularity, is the instastion of discrete dental aligners such as Invisalign. These are a relatively new form of discrete orthodontics, which aim to provide patients with a straighter smile, without going through the conventional motions required by typical dental braces. The basis behind the Invisalign method is to replace typical, common orthodontic tools – such as fused metal brackets and words, with a plastic, removable retainer. This transparent retainer would be created from a mould of each patient’s teeth, and be created from a patented dental plastic known as SmartTrack. When worn, this Smarttrack retainer uses uniquely placed pressure points to slowly push a patient’s teeth back into their correct alignment. Since its launch in 2001, the Invisalign method has developed into one of the most popular methods of discrete, cosmetic orthodontics across the globe. Since 2001, it has helped restore the smiles of over 7 million patients, with a large portion of these being teenagers. The reason for Inviaslign’s success within the demographic of teenagers and young people, is that it affords them the ability to undergo essential dental realignment without attracting any unwanted attention.
Pearly whites

Another form of cosmetic dentistry which is vastly popular within the Soho area, and beyond, is cosmetic teeth whitening. This is a process which has been designed to eradicate years worth of superficial stains and discoloration to a patient’s teeth, through the application of a peroxide-based whitening gel. Certain lifestyle choices can sometimes result in the enamel of a patient’s teeth becoming stained or yellowed, these include smoking, drinking black coffee, red wine or balck tea, or from taking certain medications. With cosmetic teeth whitening however, patients can have years worth of superficial damage and staining removed from their teeth within as little as an hour. Patients can now leave their dental practice the very same day with a brighter, whiter smile, and the self-esteem to match it.